Update! Troublesome Seeds

6 thoughts on “Update! Troublesome Seeds”

  1. Let me know how you do with parsnip. The first year I planted parsnips I planted seeds in a raised bed. I had fabulous germination and wonderful parsnips. The second year I bought pelleted seeds as I thought it would be easier to see where the seeds were when I put them in the soil. I had zero germination with two different sowings. Very disappointing as I love parsnips and they have gotten very expensive at the grocery store.


    1. Like I said I was a little impatient and they have sprouted but I never get 100% germination. I will try paper towel and see if it makes a difference. The seeds have to be fresh and well stored so the second lot you bought may have been in a hot place or old before selling.


  2. Top marks for perseverance! I would have gone down to the nursery and bought some. Much more interesting, what you do.


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